REST-Assured API Test Automation
REST-Assured is a Java library for testing RESTful web services. It is used to invoke REST web services and validate requests & responses.
- REST-Assured is an open-source API test automation tool for testing the rest services.
- Java is a programming language and computing platform.
- TestNG is an open-source test automation framework that executes & groups the test cases, generates reports, etc.
- Maven can be used as it is a project management and build tool. It is a central repository for dependencies. It will automatically take care of all required environment setup of the Test Bed.
REST-Assured is used to automate the API. Response status code, body, message, headers, response time, response size, cookies, etc. can be tested using REST libraries. It can be integrated with build tools like Maven, and unit test frameworks like JUnit and TestNG.
Realtime Key Features:
- Fast: RESTful Web Services are fast because there is no strict specification like SOAP. It consumes less bandwidth and resources. It enables two applications to interact with each other without any user intervention.
- Code Reusability: Code can be reused as it is the Java library. It provides less maintenance and more efficiency.
- Assertions: Using assertion multiple attributes validation can be performed like response status code, response size, response time, response message, headers, etc.
- Annotations: Test NG provides multiple annotations, and it can be used to control the flow of test case execution.
- Priority and Grouping: REST-assured can be integrated with TestNG, so the test automation developer can prioritize or group the test cases as per requirement.
- Replay: During execution, there is a possibility test script may fail due to network issues.TestNG provides a retry mechanism to execute failed scripts automatically as per the mentioned retry count.
CI/CD integration:
REST-assured can be integrated into CI tools (Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, GitHub Actions, etc.)
Multiple open-source reporting tools can be integrated as below,
- Allure report
- Extent reports
- XSLT Report
- HTML report
- Language and Platform independent: RESTful web services can be developed using any programming language and executed on any platform.
- Easy to manage test cases and suites.
- Rest Assured has good community support.
- Easily Integrate with the Gatling load testing tool.
Ref link –
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