Test Automation

Cypress with Mocha Test Automation

Switching To Cypress :

Switching to Cypress

Though Cypress is a recently introduced tool in the test automation world, its features have increased its usage. Capturing screenshots during test execution, the automatic wait for commands & and assertions, automatic scrolling operation to view elements before performing further operations, etc. The technology derives it from the Cypress tree which characterizes minimal maintenance.


  1. Cypress is an open-source automation tool. It can be used for front-end and backend, application programming interface (API) test automation.
  2. Cypress is a purely JavaScript-based testing tool built for modern web applications.


Cypress automation tool can be used for a variety of tests – unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, and API tests where all the execution is done within the browser.

Framework Structure:

Cypress TAF Structure

Key Features:

  1. Easy Execution: When a user is executing the test cases in the Cypress test runner and is simultaneously changing test code Cypress will automatically re-run tests in the test runner. Users can also check which command is running, Status – passed or failed, and assertions errors with screenshots captured on each step using Cypress test runner.
  2. Cross-Browser Support: Users can run test cases on multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Electron. Unlike Selenium without drivers, we can execute the test on these browsers.
  3. Built-In Waits: Whenever users try to interact with the elements on the web page, elements are not found due to synchronization issues. But Cypress has an Inbuilt Wait capability, which automatically waits for the element to load on the web page.
  4. Debugging with Dev Tools: If the test script fails normally, we try to debug the code by checking every method, every function, or by checking every line. But Cypress has access to all dev tools because Cypress is running on the same browser internally so it will be able to access everything from the dev tools to observe application messages, and element locator information in the command console.
  5. Network Control and Network Request: Cypress can automate your network requests. When we say front-end automation tool, it is assumed that it will be used only for UI test automation, but Cypress can be used for both UI and API test automation. Cypress comes with intercepting and mocking network request capabilities to control the data that your application receives.
  6. Integration: It can be easily integrated with unit testing frameworks like Mocha.
  7. Assertions: Cypress has more than one type of assertion from various libraries like Mocha, Chai, and so on. The assertion types are:
  • Implicit: And/Should.
  • Explicit: expect/assert.

Test Reporting:

Cypress supports multiple reporting options:

  1. Allure Report
  2. HTML Report
  3. Mochawesome Report


  1. Cypress provides customization of commands, multiple OS compatibility, and capturing automatic videos of test scripts in headless execution.
  2. Cypress automatically takes screenshots when a test fails while running through Cypress application /CI tool / headless execution.
  3. Good Documentation is available.
  4. Provides Dashboard cloud services.
  5. Easy integration into CI/CD tools, and GitHub actions.
  6. Open Selector Playground from which we can locate and identify elements automatically in the test runner.

Ref Link:

Cypress Official Documentation

Test Automation

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